Sunday, December 3, 2006

Grandfather Victor's driving

My grandfather Victor was over visiting my parents, Bob & Tess when we lived in Glen Burnie. It was probably around 1967. I made the mistake of parking my car behind him. Grandpop was about 75 years old at this time and didn't like to turn around when he backed up. We all said good by to him and watched him as he got into his car, started the engine and preceded to back up, without turning around. You see my grandfather figured out that it wasn't necessary to turn around because the jolt of backing into the car behind him was enough to tell him he could not go any further. After he hit my car, he pulled up, but didn't seem to have enough room to maneuver around the car in front of him. So, now he needs to back up again, sure enough he banged into my car a second time. Lucky for me he had enough room to pull out in the road and he preceded on his way like nothing ever happened. There wasn't any real visible damaged but a very small scrap.

1 comment:

KathTwo said...

Oh, this was a good story and one I had not heard before. Grandpop Vic had his own sense of what was important to him that's for sure.